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Para montar el FS en el cliente

Instalar paquete ceph-fs-common

Crear las credenciales en el server

ceph auth caps  client.user1 osd 'allow rw pool=cephfs_metadata, allow rw pool=cephfs_data' mds 'allow rw' mon 'allow r'

ceph auth ls

	key: xxxxx==
	caps: [mds] allow rw
	caps: [mon] allow r
	caps: [osd] allow rw pool=cephfs_metadata, allow rw pool=cephfs_data

Montar en el cliente

mount.ceph monhost1:/ /mnt -o name=user1,secretfile=/etc/ceph/user1.key,mds_namespace=cephfs

cephtest/cephfs.1535991937.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/10 17:38 (external edit)