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dockerproxyrepo [2016/11/30 21:03]
dockerproxyrepo [2020/04/10 17:38] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 Referencias:​ Referencias:​
 https://​​2015/​10/​registry-proxy-cache-docker-open-source/​ https://​​2015/​10/​registry-proxy-cache-docker-open-source/​
-**Configuración del server** +​engine/admin/systemd/
- +
-​2015/10/​registry-proxy-cache-docker-open-source/​ +
- +
-se puede usar tambien nexus3. mirar en otra parte de esta wiki para ayuda +
- +
- +
-**Para usarlo en el cliente:​** +
- +
- +
-Ejemplo: +
- +
-/​etc/​default/​docker +
-<​code>​ +
-DOCKER_OPTS="​--dns --registry-mirror=https://​ --insecure-registry"​ +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-/lib/systemd/system/​docker.service +
-<​code>​ +
-[Unit] +
-Description=Docker Application Container Engine +
-Documentation=https://​ + docker.socket +
-Requires=docker.socket +
- +
-[Service] +
-Type=notify +
-EnvironmentFile=/​etc/​default/​docker +
-ExecStart=/​usr/​bin/​docker daemon -H fd:// $DOCKER_OPTS +
-ExecReload=/​bin/​kill -s HUP $MAINPID +
-LimitNOFILE=infinity +
-LimitNPROC=infinity +
-LimitCORE=infinity +
-TimeoutStartSec=0 +
-Delegate=yes +
-KillMode=process +
- +
-[Install] + +
-</​code>​ +
-comproabar con  
-systemctl daemon-reload 
-service docker restart 
-docker info 
-systemctl show docker 
-Debe salir algo así: 
-Containers: 0 
- ​Running:​ 0 
- ​Paused:​ 0 
- ​Stopped:​ 0 
-Images: 0 
-Server Version: 1.12.3 
-Storage Driver: aufs 
- Root Dir: /​var/​lib/​docker/​aufs 
- ​Backing Filesystem: extfs 
- Dirs: 0 
- ​Dirperm1 Supported: true 
-Logging Driver: json-file 
-Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs 
- ​Volume:​ local 
- ​Network:​ overlay bridge host null 
-Swarm: inactive 
-Runtimes: runc 
-Default Runtime: runc 
-Security Options: 
-Kernel Version: 3.16.0-4-amd64 
-Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 
-OSType: linux 
-Architecture:​ x86_64 
-CPUs: 4 
-Total Memory: 1000 MiB 
-Name: debian-jessie-amd64-7945 
-Docker Root Dir: /​var/​lib/​docker 
-Debug Mode (client): false 
-Debug Mode (server): false 
-Registry: https://​​v1/​ 
-WARNING: No memory limit support 
-WARNING: No swap limit support 
-WARNING: No kernel memory limit support 
-WARNING: No oom kill disable support 
-WARNING: No cpu cfs quota support 
-WARNING: No cpu cfs period support 
-Insecure Registries: 
- ​ 
- ​​8 
dockerproxyrepo.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/10 17:38 (external edit)